Today’s Food Intake: 1,634cals.
Objective: 1,800cals.
Why don’t you try grabbing a snack? A all-in-one protein bar from
Nova Corp might be a good idea!
Do you want me to put on some music for you?
Based on the latest hits of the month, I would recommend to listen to:
“Please, come see me in DreamCast” by The Haunted Clarinets
During your last ability test you have been selected
to join Law Enforcement after your 18th birthday.
To appeal that decision, please request an audience the director of your training institution.
Training development: On track.
Your first internship at the Government Crime Management Agency will finish in:
85 days.
Name | Size | Created on |
dad_status_update.txt | 42Kb | 05.20.2065 at 11:59pm |
to_do_list.txt | 22Kb | 05.21.2065 at 07:23pm |
memoryfile342.txt | 81Kb | 05.22.2065 at 10:07am |
first_day.txt | 64Kb | 05.23.2065 at 01:48am |
memory_log.txt | 97Kb | 05.23.2065 at 11:33am |
HISORRYISCAREDYOU.txt | 14Kb | 05.23.2065 at 11:30am |
Dad Status Update
-- Consecutive days spent in DreamCast: 14
-- Request to join: Declined. If he wants to have dinner with me, he can disconnect. I will not join him online to hang out with dead people.
-- Request for money: Accepted > sent 100 credits to his account.
-- Nutrition intake: Levels are okay but worried about lethargic state.
-- Comments: Is he working the whole time? Is he just visiting ‘mom’? He is starting to use more money in DreamCast that his salary. I guess I could just unplug him, force him to disconnect but would he even survive in the real world after spending so much time in a dream world, interacting with his dead wife?
To-do list.
[x] Collect money from ‘glitchwitch107’
[-] Create new dream scenarios.
[x] Planet Mars
[ ] Mountain scenery
[x] “Enhance” body proportion in JR’s “female friend” (ಠ_ಠ)
[x] Edit speech functionality (need more realism)
[/] Refuse any new order from JR if he mention breast size again (money is money)
[ ] Correct advertisement bug from JR’s simulation
[ ] Finish new order for JR - 2 days left (T_T)
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First internship day.
-- Was forced to turn off memory recording because of sensitive material (mine doesn’t work anyway right now)
-- Case Study:
-- Offender: 40 years old male.
-- Status: Executed by Sentinels.
-- Crime: Breaking & Entering, Mutilation & Murder, Unlawful Sale of ABLE Implants.
↳ The offender was found guilty of breaking and entering into the victims’ home at night, before surgically removing their implant and leaving them to die. The offender was later found selling the stolen implants not the black market advertising them as “an intimate way to experience pleasure and fear (shower scenes, previous sexual intercourse, and murder included)”
-- Victims: 23 female victims, age ranging from 19 to 27. 2 remained alive. Survivors disfigured committed to Psychiatric Facility. Multiple reports of suicide attempt, refusal of a new implants. Will not be re-integrated into society.
-- Pictures: Photographs of the suspect, his execution, and his victims were presented to the interns. 4 threw up. 2 passed out. They were dismissed from the program.
-- NovaCorp probably uses these types of gruesome cases as a way to reject those deemed inadequate for the job. Apathy is an essential quality to work in the Crime Management Unit, according to Nova.
-- Something is bothering me. Victim #16. Alysha Kent. The pictures showed a close up on her face, her eyes. There was blood everywhere but I am almost certain the AI hologram that greeted us at the reception this morning had the same face. Yet, I can’t find anything on Alysha. No deleted social media, no news article, nothing. As if she never existed, or as if every single piece of evidence that she ever lived had been deleted.
WHAT. JUST. HAPPENED?! -- I was trying out a new custom dream I made. I was just floating around in outer space, making sure there were no bugs in the program. -- Everything went white. And she appeared. My mom, who died seven years ago, appeared in front of me and started talking. -- She looked exactly the same, but it couldn’t be her. Yes, the memory of her is still “living” in Dreamcast. My dad is spending all his time there with it/her. But I am not directly connected to Dreamcast. I use their code and tweak but I am still operating my dreams on a private server, not the ones NovaCorp regulate. -- She spoked. She said: “She was executed. I am not her. I can help you find the truth”. It was her voice, but with a small robotic accent. -- I tried to touch her but before I even made contact, I was disconnected from the server and a new file had appear on my computer: HISORRYISCAREDYOU.txt
From: | Object: | Date: | |
<> | "top secret conversation" | 05/25/2065 at 01:46am | |
<> | "Order #543367" | 05/24/2065 at 11:22pm | |
<> | "LATEST IMPLANT UPDATE! DO NOT MISS OUT!" | 05/20/2065 at 10:01am | |
<> | "Take care of your Sanity®!" | 05/14/2065 at 02:37am | |
<> | "REQUEST FOR ASSITANCE - STRICLY CONFIDENTIAL!" | 05/13/2065 at 05:37pm |
first off, i would like to apologize about messing up your implant. yes, i did hack it during your life placement test — by the way, great work on the crime coefficient manipulation — but it was just to see if you would be a good fit. i didn’t think your custom version might get corrupted after my ‘intrusion’. it was supposed to be a quick incognito job.
i heard a lot about you and i’ve been watching your work for a while now. i think we have a lot in common, a lot to talk about. you have seen some things that don’t make sense and i can help.
this is my username: jpt47.rev19#drknt. please contact me soon. if you don’t, your employer might receive an anonymous tip about all that little side business of yours and all the illegal activities you engage in.
see ya.
Hiya Sal!
I was wondering if you could tweak my dream a little more.
For the amount I pay you, I was expecting a bit more.
You advertised the dreams you create as being 100% off Nova’s network,
but last time I had ads for DreamCast™ right in the middle of a good part — if you know what I mean.
Also I am not sure if something is up with my new girlfriend but her eyes kept changing colors.
It really kills the mood. And she sounded less natural than the last one. Maybe you could go back to the previous model?
Send me your price,
Hi there, dear customer!
Our team of devoted developers has been working on this update for you implant for months now and it is finally out! Please contact your closest Nova Corp. Office for a free trial (for the complete installation price please consult with your local office as regional taxes can apply. You can also only download the latest security update for free by plugging yourself in to your computer or a DreamCast™ station, but why deprive yourself of a better life experience by bypassing these new features.
Updates included (but are not limited to):
• New Memory Sorting menu.
• Ability to mute disreputable citizens based on their Crime Coefficient.
• And a lot more to discover …
Are you stressed about finals? About your next promotion?
Is your Crime Coefficient™ too high?
Hanging around disreputable beings, not following ABLE's advice or breaking the society's rules will raise your Crime Coefficient™. Avoid that and sign up for our new and improved therapy sessions. Come in our office for 15 minutes a day and we’ll update your implant with our special secret algorithm to get your Sanity® back.
Don’t wait to get arrested and transfer to a latent criminal facility!
Sign up today to stay sane!
Before I proceed, I ask you to apologize for I send this email unsolicited. I am the son of a prominent business man here in Nigeria. He was unfortunately killed a few days ago by rebels who decided to invaded the house. But before that happened I managed to escape here to Spain so that I could manage his investments.
Before he died my father asked me to move the money out of the country into the united states of the americas. I told my lawyers about it and they said I need a person worth of trust. You would get 10% of the total amount of money you would help me move. For this business arrangements to work you would need to send me 10,000$ to start the transfers. Contact me soon to detail on the arrangement.